Sunset Yoga in the Woods

Feel the last rays of sun on your skin as you breathe and move in this nourishing and rejuvenating 1 hour yoga practice set amidst tranquil woodland.

Adults of all yoga levels and experience are welcome - from curious beginners to seasoned yogis seeking connection with nature. Expect a warm, friendly and encouraging atmosphere & class.

Amidst nature we will breathe, move, and connect.  

Precise location details including parking will be emailed to you on booking.

Evening Yoga in the Woods

Breathe in the evening air as you move your body, recharge your energy, and reconnect with yourself in this grounding and reinvigorating one hour yoga practice set amidst serene woodland.  

Adults of all yoga levels and experience are welcome - from curious beginners to seasoned yogis seeking connection with nature. Expect a warm, friendly and encouraging atmosphere and class.

Amidst nature we will breathe, move, and connect.  

Precise location details including parking will be emailed to you on booking.

Morning Yoga in the Woods

Embrace the magic of the morning, and the transformative power of yoga as we come together to practice within tranquil woodland.

This up to 1.5 hour class includes:

• 1 hour yoga practice

• BEAU-T-FULL tea (yes, it's as delightful as it sounds!)

• A delicious vegan* treat, lovingly crafted to nourish body and soul.

If you need to head off straight after the yoga practice at 10:00, please feel free to take your goodies to go! Or, soak up the tranquillity of the woods a little longer, and enjoy your goodies with a post-yoga chat.

Volunteer Willow Workshops: Large Scale Lanterns

Join us at our Willow Workshops and come help us to create Farsley’s first ever large-scale Lantern Festival by volunteering at our weekly sculpture sessions in September.


In these workshops you’ll be taught how to create large-scale lantern sculptures using eco-friendly willow and paper.


The lanterns will have a wonderfully wholesome ‘Urban Wildlife’ theme and once complete they will be displayed at two spectacular Lantern Parades; one at Farsley’s Lights’ Switch On in November and the other at Farsley's Charity Food Drive in December!

Family Workshop: Headdress Decorating

Join us for a morning (10am - 12noon) or afternoon (1pm - 3pm) of arts and crafts at SCRAP Creative Reuse Project with artist Morwenna Catt.

Morwenna Catt is an internationally exhibiting artist working across media, with a specialism in Textiles and Illustration.  For many years Morwenna has also designed and created large scale characters, costumes, lanterns, banners and site decor for events and parades, working with communities to make their ideas come to life.

What to Expect

More Cock and Bull – The Songs of Jake Thackray

presented by Mewl Music.

John Watterson and Paul Thompson sing more of Jake Thackray’s unique and brilliant songs and share fascinating stories from his remarkable life.

John Watterson and Paul Thompson make a welcome return to Seven Arts, to sing more of Jake Thackray’s unique and brilliant songs and share fascinating stories from his remarkable life.

Book early – their previous shows at Seven Arts have sold out.

Sunrise Yoga in the Woods

Set your intentions with the rising sun, breathe in the crisp morning air, and greet the day with this rejuvenating yoga practice set within peaceful woodland.

This up to 1.5 hour class includes:

• 1 hour yoga practice

• BEAU-T-FULL tea (yes, it's as delightful as it sounds!)

• A delicious vegan* treat, lovingly crafted to nourish body & soul.