Excerpt of Mechanisms and Workshop by Christine Thynne

Mechanisms is a work-in-progress which boldly embodies ideas of effort and persistence, success and failure, visibility and joy. Drawing on knowledge of anatomy and physical practices in dance and kayaking, Christine playfully constructs and situates herself within a precarious structure of hard and fluid materials to build an environment of complex environmental interaction.

Ageless Film Screening

Sit down, relax and enjoy three short films. This eclectic mix of bold, playful and poignant films challenges perceptions of age and showcases the rich and diverse voices and lives of older people.

Still: Exploring the extraordinary within the everyday lives of care home residents by Gecko

Still explores the extraordinary potential within the everyday lives of the residents of Lime Court care home, inspired by their personal stories, experiences and passions.

Following the current: from boat to stage with Christine Thynne and Robbie Synge

Christine Thynne shares her journey of passion for dance and performance, of anatomy and the kayaking adventures, which led to the development of her solo work-in-progress, Mechanisms.

Joined by friend and collaborator Robbie Synge, Christine will use a mix of film, performance and conversation to share her story. Expect a warm and lively audience discussion about creative ambition, play and finding your way...

The Desire Cycle Talk with Christopher Matthews

Christopher Matthews gives a performance lecture on his Desire Cycle.

What’s the Desire Cycle you say? Well, what is desire? And what is a cycle? And how do we have life cycles that shape our lives and shape our views around different aspects of what we’re interested in and the desires we have and how we fulfil the desires of others.

The Desire Cycle is a trilogy of sculptural performances with dancers from different age groups. My body’s no.1 

Doodle Chat in the Park with Edek Thompson

Join Edek's Doodle Chat sessions in our local green space, Burley Park, for a relaxing blend of creativity and conversation. Explore the surrounding inspiration, and stretch your legs as we sketch, doodle, and connect amidst nature.

Edek’s Doodle Chat is a relaxed social group which anyone is welcome to join for free! Our aim during these sessions is to provide everyone with safe space to talk and listen. An opportunity to be social and prioritise well-being with your community. 

Old Baby Mackerel live

Old Baby Mackerel play high-energy, foot-stomping Bluegrass featuring a dizzying line-up of renowned UK Bluegrass musicians. Their music uses the rhythmic sounds of banjo, guitar, mandolin, fiddle and double bass to get knees bouncing and elbows swinging to the virtuosic sound of blistering solos and tasteful harmonies.

Be prepared to be transported back in time to the early 20th century and across the Atlantic to North America where songs dramatized the small town fascination with locomotion, religion and the veneration of whisky and bootleg liquor. 

Harewood Biennial 2024: Create/Elevate

Create/Elevate is the third Harewood Biennial, now established as the major craft Biennial of its kind outside London. Presented within Harewood House and across our gardens and landscapes, it showcases the work of international artists, designers and craft collectives, including new commissions. The exhibition explores the power of craft to surprise, inspire and bring people together and will be accompanied by a dynamic and accessible programme of learning and active public engagement.

Never Letting Go with Susan Kempster

Join festival headliner, Susan Kempster, for a masterclass in her signature group partnering method and the process she used to devise her latest duet, Mother.

Explore the push, pull, float, and flow as you interlink with fellow participants. This immersive workshop invites you to become fully absorbed in the moment and find pleasure in relinquishing control and enjoying the journey.


“I got tired of sadness/ I got tired of all the madness/ I got tired of bein’ a badass all the time,” Matthew Houck sings on “Revelator,” the opener and title track of his latest Phosphorescent album. Houck was actively looking for something new, an epiphany, when the old ways stopped working. And just as the album Revelator only revealed itself to its author along the way, so too did real life revelations take their time answering the plaintive mission statement with which Houck reintroduces Phosphorescent.