Blog: Geraldine Connor Foundation: Windrush Legacy 'Departing And Arriving'

The Geraldine Connor Foundation have created a brilliant resource to help people learn about the mass migration of people from the Caribbean to the UK between 1948 – 1971, commonly called ‘Windrush’. The resource combines short films, interviews, recipes, literature and music and is suitable for young people and adults. You can find the full resource here.
Departing and Arriving
After the Second World War, the British Government invited people from the Caribbean to come to Britain to help rebuild the country. They were British citizens and held British passports as their countries were still under British rule. Roughly 172,000 people answered this invitation and migrated from the Caribbean to Britain between 1948 – 1971, settling in cities across the country. They are known as the ‘Windrush Generation’, names after the first ship to arrive on 22nd June 1948: the Empire Windrush.
Watch the video ‘Departing and Arriving’ to hear from members of the Windrush Generation and their children about their experience of arriving in Britain.
All films were made by Sally Molineaux.