
BFI DIY Film Challenge - Transform

filming on a stairway
Photo by Steven Van on Unsplash

The Hyde Park Picture House invite you to submit your short film to the BFI DIY Film Challenge, with a screening and networking event on 25th March.

For this challenge, we want you to Transform. This can be a physical transformation or a narrative transformation, we want you to run with this theme.

The winner of the DIY challenge will receive:

• £1000 BURSARY to put towards your career; whether to buy some kit, put towards studying or making your next short film

• 1-to-1 MENTORING with an industry professional

• The winner will be picked by a panel of industry professionals and announced at our in person event on Saturday March 25th, where you can watch some of the shortlisted films on the big screen at Leeds University's Pyramid Theatre, get some top tips from our industry guests and have the opportunity to network with other filmmakers afterwards.

Tapping into the surrealist genre and going deeper, how would you define transformation? Is it films such where the character goes through a psychical change such as Shrek 2 or The Fly? Maybe you prefer the idea of character growth and change, which we see in films like Good Will Hunting or The Intouchables? We don’t mind what you do, what tone or approach you take, as long as your film is inspired by the Transformation theme.

• This opportunity is open to any filmmaker from or based in the north aged 16 to 25.

• Entries can be anywhere from 60 seconds to 3 mins.

• The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 15th March 2023

• You can submit your films here. Good luck!

Part of BFI's Break Into Film Scheme.