A room full of people dancing and singing
Fri 20 Sep 2024 - Sun 22 Sep 2024
UK Vocal Improv Festival - in Leeds
Event organiser:
Emma Coleman

UK Vocal Improv Festival team are coming to Leeds to celebrate vocal improvisation over a weekend with a team of fab facilitators and so many different flavours of vocal improv on offer! Ooooo..

This is a super rare opportunity to dip your toe or dive right into the world of vocal improv, in one weekend, in the north of England.

Skip straight to the website for the details here.

Have a look here for the lead organiser chatting about it if that is better than reading!

Here is a run-down of what's on offer:

Friday night concert from Georgie and Akeim, mesmerising double looper with harp, beatbox, voices, all improvised of course!  Support from  Roadhouse, dance improvisation from founding duo Lewys Holt and Eleanor Sikorski

Saturday full of workshops from facilitators from as far as Brazil, as well as Portugal and Turkey via London, and our excellent Leeds local facilitators, alongside the core team! Opening Circle, workshops galore, and Big Sing with circlesinging and Musica do Circulo inspired large group joy

Saturday eve invites a shared dinner, participatory performance - the Open Stage Extravaganza, and dance party with participatory live looping and drums, boom!

Sunday has more facilitator workshops before lunch, then our Improv Bazaar where participants can lead/explore/offer/play!

Sunday eve is our unofficial afterparty with album launch from Ines Loubet, one of our facilitators. 

    Fri 20 Sep 2024 - Sun 22 Sep 2024
    Show all dates/times
    Fri 20 Sep 2024
    7:00 pm
    Sat 21 Sep 2024
    10:00 am
    Sun 22 Sep 2024
    10:00 am

    Ticket price

    Baby changing facilities
    Wheelchair access

    Emma Coleman

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