An adventurous tale from Speedwell Dance of seasons gone awry, an ancient and powerful witch and the determination of children to put things right. Join musicians and dancers to awaken scampering creatures, tiptoe past the Mountain Witch’s cave and finally convince her to let the sun return.
A playful and inclusive experience for children aged 3-8 years and their grown-ups. With inspiring dance, songs and original music played live on clarinet, flute and cello.
“Speedwell Dance’s amazing performers wove spells as powerfully as the Mountain Witch did. No child could resist being drawn into their joyful interactive world” Audience Member
Shows at 11am and 2pm. All performances are one hour long. Book your free tickets at the Tickets link below.
#play #leedsplayfest #leedsplayfest24
St Vincent's Centre, Leeds
4 Berking Avenue
United Kingdom
Booking essential via the Book Tickets link to the left.
Access is fully integrated for neuro-diverse, disabled and SEN children. Skilled and sensitive performers invite children to engage in the way that works for them. We offer integrated Makaton, Pre-show Visual Story and Pre-show Audio Story. Meet and Greet is integrated into the show’s beginning. We offer in addition the option to peek at the set and check in with performers before this.