A pirate looking up through her telescope with a smiling face.
David Lindsay
Mon 7 Apr 2025
Pirate Bonnie
Family friendly
Event organiser:
Red Ladder

Fidget Theatre presents a welcoming, music-filled new play for 4-8 year-old pirates and their families.


Welcome aboard, join the crew,

Let’s set sail for the horizon blue.

We’ll hear pirate songs and pirate tales,

As the ocean breeze fills our sails!

Pirate Bonnie is looking for treasure – but no ordinary treasure, for she is no ordinary pirate. The treasures she seeks are stories, the long-lost stories of swashbuckling pirates.

Bonnie invites the audience on board her ship to join the crew, set sail and discover treasures. Each treasure recovered is a forgotten legend of a real female pirate.

In typical Fidget Theatre style, the show is warm and witty with original songs and friendly interaction for children and their grown-ups who all become Bonnie’s ship-shape crew.

So, join the crew on board the Good Ship Adventure! Feel the rush of wind in the sails as Bonnie shares her treasure and sings the songs of pirates of old.

"It had lots of parts where we could join in- we could be part of the show too, I loved that because I was an actor too" –audience member aged 6

Age recommendation 4+

Running time approx. 55 minutes

The Gate at Belle Isle TMO

Aberfield Gate
Belle Isle
LS10 3QH
United Kingdom

53.756742350693, -1.5274608117783

    Mon 7 Apr 2025
    Show all dates/times
    Mon 7 Apr 2025

    Ticket price

    Box Office
    0113 245 5311

    Free to BITMO tenants but book at venue. 


    when booking, please let us know about any access needs so we can welcome you.


    Baby changing facilities
    Buggy friendly
    Wheelchair access
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