Liam Riley, Regeneration Officer at Leeds City Council, will provide a walking tour of the high street in Morley to highlight properties targeted through the Heritage Investment Fund. The Fund is a £1.7m scheme, part of the wider Morley Town Deal, and provides business owners in Morley with the opportunity to access grant funding to uplift and showcase prominent heritage buildings in the Morley Conservation Area.
As part of the Morley Town Deal, the Heritage Investment Fund provides business owners in Morley with the opportunity to access up to 80% grant funding to uplift and showcase prominent heritage buildings in the Morley Conservation Area
The Heritage Investment Fund grants can be used to:
Install or restore traditional shopfronts.
Repair heritage stonework and repointing.
Reinstate or refurbish traditional windows, doors and signs.
Bring historic buildings back to their former glory.
To discuss the aims and the progress of the Fund so far Liam Riley, Regeneration Officer at Leeds City Council, will be providing a walking tour of the high street in Morley, starting from the main steps outside Morley Town Hall on Queen Street. This tour will focus on the grant scheme, rather than the history of specific buildings, but any questions are welcome throughout.
Tickets - see Tickets below:
£6 Leeds Civic Trust members
£8 non-members
Morley Town Hall
Queen Street
LS27 9DY
United Kingdom