A silver and black fountain pen in laid on an open notebooks, there is some handwritten words on the paper but it is blurry so you can't read what the text says
Mon 28 Apr 2025
Memoir Writing with Chris Bartlett
Adults only
Event organiser:
Swarthmore Education Centre

Join professional writer and teacher Chris and explore the world of memoir writing.

A memoir is a narrative written from your perspective, which can be about an important aspect of your life. As well as being an empowering personal journey, writing a memoir can help you share priceless life experiences so that they can inspire others.

A word from Chris "As a writer and teacher I believe with heart and soul that there is everything to gain by writing about who you are, where you're from, and what you've overcome. Writing a memoir doesn't have to be for anyone else but you. That is the beauty of expressing your truth. Writing a memoir can be done for so many reasons, and you don't have to have played football for your country, sang on the Pyramid Stage, or ruled a country to achieve it. You don't even have to be a certain age to begin one, because one life can contain so many. The truth is, every life is extraordinary in its own unique way. As well as being an empowering personal journey, writing a memoir can help you share priceless life experiences so that they can inspire others. Ensuring that your history does not get lost. You in your own words is a wonderful ally to have as the years roll by. Even if revisiting the past hurts deeply, by filling the empty page it can help you move on. You have everything to gain by writing your memoir."

During the session, you will be looking at:
- Where to start
- How to structure your memoir
- And writing tips to help get you on your way.

Chris will be on hand to offer expert writing tips and will guide you through the process of memoir writing.

    Mon 28 Apr 2025
    Show all dates/times
    Mon 28 Apr 2025
    18:00:00 - 20:00:00

    Ticket price


    Swarthmore Education Centre

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