Following critically acclaimed productions of Cats, Kinky Boots and Legally Blonde, and in a unique collaboration between four local societies, the Leeds Amateur Operatic Society returns to The Grand with one of the 11 UK amateur premières of this iconic musical.
Featuring one of the most memorable scores of all time, Les Misérables is an epic tale of passion and redemption in the throes of revolution. Powerful and uplifting, Les Misérables packs an emotional wallop that has thrilled audiences all over the world.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime event not to be missed!
Leeds Grand Theatre
46 New Briggate
United Kingdom
Show on map
53.799996, -1.541076
Running Time: TBC
Age Guidance: Parental guidance
Triggers and advisories: TBC
Secret Seat Information
Concessions: / 0113 243 0808
Group bookings: / 0113 297 7040
Prices include a £4 booking fee and where applicable, a £1.20 charge for postage will be payable
This is an amateur production