Leeds Community Clothes Exchange Is a community project encouraging the exchange of clothes and accessories in order reduce consumption, raise awareness of unethical consumer habits and offer a low-cost sustainable alternative to the high street.
You can find everything from vintage, designer, high street and basics to hand-made delights. It’s retail therapy with a guilt free twist. Take those good clothes hanging at the back of your wardrobe, the ones that no longer fit you or your style and swap them for new ones that do!
Bring up to 20 items of clean, good quality adult clothing, shoes and accessories. You can roll credits over to future events and use credits stored on the system.
£3.50 per swapper. Card or cash accepted.
While our events are not for kids, they are very welcome to attend with their grown ups. Please ensure children are supervised at all times. Dogs on leads also welcome, the same rules apply.
We don't accept items for recycling. Any rejected items will need to be taken away by the swapper (there are clothing recycling banks opposite the venue).
We collect bras for Freedom4Girls, drop them off when you check in (these don't count towards your 20 items).
To help make sure your items are accepted please make sure that all items are:
Clean - if possible please wash your items before bringing them to swap
No damaged items - check for holes, wear & tear, missing buttons, stains etc.
No underwear/swimwear/gymwear that touches the body/bodysuits or pyjamas (unless they are brand new with packaging still attached)
No worn out items eg. greying whites or bobbly jumpers
No specific branded clothes – eg tops that say “Leeds Marathon 2015”
No children’s clothing
Woodhouse Community Centre
197 Woodhouse Street
United Kingdom
Show on map
53.814164, -1.555597
Ticket price
No need to pre book. Cash and card accepted.
Woodhouse Community Centre has flat / non-stepped access throughout & is wheelchair accessible. An accessible toilet is available. We are usually quietest between 3-4pm if you'd prefer a quieter swapping environment. If you have any questions about event accessibility, please email us at leedscommunityclothesexchange@hotmail.co.uk.