The Limpet Club presents the mighty KONK PACK Tim Hodgkinson • lap steel guitar, electronics, clarinet Roger Turner • drumset and percussion Thomas Lehn • analogue synthesizer.
KONK PACK brings together three major figures in contemporary music. For about a quarter of century this group has amazed audiences at festivals and concerts all over the world with the sheer energy of its rapid-fire interplay, earning numerous critical accolades.
Since 1997, Konk Pack have toured regularly throughout Europe, completed four major tours of the US, and have been described by The Wire magazine's Lee Henderson as "one of the most exciting improv groups in the world." The group have released five compact discs, and performed at major music festivals from Vancouver to Belgrade. The musics they've made individually are reason enough to take note of this trio, but the music they make together leaves audiences amazed and inspired.
The Fox & Newt
9 Burley Street
United Kingdom