Behind the well-known name of St. James’s Hospital lies a story of two dedicated professionals, both called James. Join us to learn more about their lives and legacy.
Between them, Dr James Allan and Mr James Ford devoted decades of their working lives to the welfare of local people, as Medical Superintendent of the Leeds Union Infirmary and Clerk to the Board of Guardians respectively. Both were honoured in the naming of St. James’s Hospital in 1925, but what were their accomplishments and how did they pave the way for the city’s huge medical institution of today?
Step back in time with our speaker, Lesley Collins, as she draws on research by Thackray Museum’s heritage volunteers to commemorate these influential individuals with an illuminating new talk.
Advance tickets for the talk include free admission to the museum galleries on the day of the event.
Thackray Museum of Medicine
Beckett Street
United Kingdom