A black and white photo of the speaker , Dr Armstrong
Dr Armstrong
Thu 6 Mar 2025
CAFÉ ECONOMIQUE: The Insights of Modern Monetary Theory: Correcting Misconceptions. A talk by Dr Phil Armstrong
Adults only
Event organiser:
Café Économique

In this presentation I examine the origins of MMT and its relationship to other heterodox schools. I consider its key insights and the implications of MMT for policy development. I discuss the major criticisms and commonly held misconceptions of MMT as a school of thought. 

What is Modern Monetary Theory ?
‘MMT (modern monetary theory) stands in opposition to the false analogy that governments (in countries with their own currencies, e. g., US and UK) are like households and must act as currency-users which must fund themselves by taxes and borrowing. Instead, MMT argues the government is a currency-issuer and can never be financially constrained.’( Phil Armstrong)..
‘MMT argues the government is not constrained by tax revenue but by available real resources.’ In conversation with…Dr Phil Armstrong

For more information about MMT see the website

Dr Phil Armstrong: Speaker biography
As an Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE) member, I am a strong advocate of the need for pluralism in economics. I have spent the last 40 years teaching - in the main economics. I hold an M.A. in Economics (University of Leeds, 1986) and a PhD in Economics (University of Solent, 2021).I would describe myself as a Christian and a Democratic Socialist (I especially admire the work of R H Tawney and Karl Polanyi). Secondly, I am a strong advocate of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and believe it provides both powerful insights into the way the economy works and how progressive economic policy can be put into practice.I am currently working on a biography of the originator of MMT, Warren Mosler.

About the Cafe Economique

Café Économique is a voluntary organisation whose talks aim to raise awareness and stimulate discussion  for interested members of the public about current socio-economic and environmental topics and possible solutions/actions so that our economic system works for and benefits all in an equitable, democratic and transparent way. The Café runs monthly talks. Please check out the website.  
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Seven Arts

31a Harrogate Road
United Kingdom

53.8280754, -1.5377148

    Thu 6 Mar 2025
    Show all dates/times
    Thu 6 Mar 2025
    19:30:00 - 21:30:00

    Ticket price


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    Café Économique

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