Photo of a little girl playing in the woods with her grandfather
Sat 7 Jun 2025
The Big Wild Play Out
Family friendly
Event organiser:
Skelton Grange Environment Centre

Come and join us on our beautiful site on Saturday 7th June for our annual celebration of playing outside!

Explore the meadows, woodland and ponds, and meet some of the creatures that live here.

Our green oasis beside the River Aire, just 2 miles from Leeds City Centre, is a former industrial site that has been transformed into a haven for wildlife and people.

Our cafe will be open for homemade cakes and a cuppa - or bring your own picnic!

The event is free but donations are much appreciated.

TCV Skelton Grange

Skelton Grange Environment Centre
Skelton Grange Road
LS10 1RS
United Kingdom

53.7737523, -1.5031245

    Sat 7 Jun 2025
    Show all dates/times
    Sat 7 Jun 2025
    11:00:00 - 16:00:00

    Ticket price


    Tickets are not essential, but if you reserve a free one on Eventbrite it will help us with our planning and cake-baking.…


    The site is accessible to wheelchairs with a mix of mown grass and woodchip paths. However, if the weather has been very rainy there can be muddy sections that people who use wheelchairs might find difficult.


    Access note: Please be aware that there is currently a security cabin and gate about halfway along Skelton Grange Road. This is in relation to the construction site next door to the Environment Centre.

    If you travel by car they will probably note the vehicle registration and ask for the driver’s name and where you are going (tell them TCV). It is simply to keep track of traffic entering and leaving. If you are walking down you can go straight past. Essentially, don’t be worried when you see it, you are going to the right place!

    Baby changing facilities
    Buggy friendly
    Wheelchair access

    Skelton Grange Environment Centre

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