
The Picture House Winter Fundraiser

illustration group of people walking in a line
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After a long period of uncertainty and Covid-related delays, we’re pleased and somewhat relieved to report that the Picture House’s redevelopment project is now well under way and making good progress.

This means we can now look ahead to the cinema’s reopening, which all being well should be late summer next year. But in order to reach that milestone, and complete the project as planned, we still have some final funds we need to raise. 

Postcard showing Hyde Park Picture House ticket kiosk
Image: Hyde Park Picture House
Interior of Hyde Park Picture House auditorium and balcony during renovation
Image: Ollie Jenkins

You might be surprised to learn that we need to raise more money, especially after receiving an incredible grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. But the truth is, from day one we’ve always needed to find additional match-funding to make our plans a reality – and the amount of match-funding we now need to raise has only increased as a result of both Brexit and the pandemic. So far we’ve had generous match-funding support from Leeds City Council, and a variety of trusts and foundations, but with the end of the project now in sight, we thought this was the right time to reach out to our community for your help during this crucial period. 

That’s why we’ve launched The Picture House Winter Fundraiser, a six-week campaign which provides you with the opportunity to sponsor specific areas of upcoming conservation – from the restoration of our lamppost to the repainting of our auditorium. And as a thank you, we’ve produced some special limited-edition rewards – from pin badges and tiles, to postcards and prints – which all make great gifts in the run up to Christmas. 

photograph of lamp post pinbadge on the lapel of a jacket
Image: Hyde Park Picture House

For one of our sponsorship opportunities, we’re asking for your help with vital repair work needed on our iconic façade. Made from Marmo faience tiles from the historic Leeds Fireclay Company – otherwise known as Burmantofts Pottery – the façade is now showing signs of deterioration due to underlying structural problems. By sponsoring the façade, you’ll not only help us to repair broken tiles, but also fix the underlying issues to prevent further damage from occurring. The façade will also be professionally cleaned, so when the cinema reopens it’ll look better than it has done in decades. And as a thank you, sponsors will receive a limited-edition hand-made decorative tile – inspired by the façade and produced in collaboration with Leeds-based Sunken Studio. 

Decorative tile propped on a mantelpiece next to a candle and fir cone
Image: Hyde Park Picture House

Alongside opportunities to sponsor upcoming conservation work, we’ve also launched a Sponsor a Seat initiative, to help towards the cost of reseating our main auditorium. Audiences also have the unique opportunity to be a sole sponsor of one of the our unique nine gas lights, or two 35mm projectors – with donors invited to an exclusive Relighting Reception, ahead of the cinema’s reopening.

illustration of woman holding a gift includes the word winter fundraiser sponsor a seat
Image: Hyde Park Picture House

To learn more about our Winter Fundraiser campaign, including how you can become a sponsor during this important time, visit our new fundraising page on our website

And to learn more about our redevelopment project, including the ways we’re preserving our heritage and improving accessibility, visit