
Musicians - take part in an experimental sound workshop with artist Griet Beyaert

sound mixing desk against a red background
Griet Beyaert

Do you play/create music and find yourself going back to the same rhythms and sounds? Are you looking to shake things up? Come and join me for a visually immersive experimental sound session with people from randomly different styles and genres.

This will be the first session for a larger project I'm developing called Collaborative Audio-Visual Experimentation Sessions (CAVE sessions). Creative sessions where people come together to explore sound in a visually stimulating space.

Having developed sound using my glass sculptures over the past four years I've realised the value of pushing myself outside of my comfort zone in order to progress, learn and create new and interesting directions. There is so much creative musical talent in the city, I want to bring them together in an environment where it's not about sounding a certain way, it's about exploring each other's creativity and challenging one's own approach. The primary goal for these sessions is to engage with the creative process of making music and sound.

The focus is on play, experimentation and collaboration between people from various backgrounds, musical heritage and level of skill. The only requirement for participating is that you have a reasonable command of an instrument or your voice and an open mind. I’d love to bring together a really diverse group, from a sitar to a synth and everything around it and in between.

It's a chance for anyone interested in sound and music-making to engage in a new and experimental way whilst in a safe space, to take new things away with them and grow in what they do. 

Who am I?
I’m an artist working with glass, sound, video and programming , I’m based at Patrick Studios in Leeds. I’ve worked collaboratively a lot, especially since 2015, creating large immersive glass/video installations. From there I started to explore sound using my glass sculptures. I’ve found that working collaboratively can really draw things out that are much harder to achieve when you practice alone. That is why I want to set up these sessions, to play with people coming at it from many different angles. See more of my work at

Who is this for?
Leeds based musicians (over 18) playing music of any style and in control of their instrument / voice. You do not need to be a professional musician to take part but you do need to be in control of your instrument. If you’re in doubt please drop me a line.

Please be aware projections will be used during the session. If you’re in doubt whether this is suited for you, do get in touch with your concerns, I’m more than happy to talk you through it.

Leeds based VJ’s: keep an eye out for a separate call-out on CuratorSpace for this session.

Monday 29th of November 2021 
6pm - 9pm
We’ll be playing for around 90 mins

What’s involved?
With a group of approx. six people we’ll get together in a space transformed through light and projections. Imagine an experimental jam session - we’ll be playing together using various simple exercises and patterns. This isn’t so much about trying to make a particular sound, this is about experimenting, playing and collaborating with people across styles and genres, learning from each other.

What’s the cost?
This session has been funded by Leeds Inspired and so is currently free to you.

How do I apply?
Please email your name with a link, a description or a short video of what you do so I can make sure we have a really diverse group of musicians

Closing of applications
Monday 8 November 2021, midnight

What happens next?
Places are limited. After closing of applications I will confirm if you have a place. If you aren’t successful for this session you’ll have the option of remaining on the list to be notified of future sessions before they are advertised.