LGBT History Month - what now?

LGBT History Month is almost over and once again it has been wonderful to see the events taking place to recognise and celebrate it.
It is my eternal hope that events like these not only provide opportunities for connection in the here and now, but also inspire people to investigate all the things that have come before them and have also shaped both the world they live in and the people they have become and will continue growing to be. It seems so true that to understand where you need to go and what you need to do, knowing where you have come from is important.
But what of all the other months in a year? Well, being part of the LGBTQ+ community or being an LGBTQ+ ally doesn't end at the end of February! That is something that keeps on keeping on - every... single... day! That is why organisations like Angels of Freedom and all the other people, groups and organisations in Leeds exist and keep doing what they do - to provide those events and spaces, to provide opportunities for meaningful and safe connection and to give room for minority voices to be heard - no matter how quietly they may have had to whisper in the past.
Everyone deserves happiness, everyone deserves inner peace and everyone absolutely deserves to feel safe and seen. If you are feeling alone or unsure how to find these places and those people, check out what is around you... investigate online, speak to people you know... speak to people you don't know - people who will look you in the eye and genuinely hear what you are saying to answer what you are asking; we are out there!
"Bringing a caring LGBT+ scene to a compassionate city"
The Angels of Freedom is a community based initiative organised by volunteers and supported by Leeds City Council, British Transport Police and West Yorkshire Police. Our aim is to provide visible support for the LGBT+ community based in the Freedom Quarter area of the city every Friday evening. Our volunteers provide conversations on supportand social groups, activities and events in Leeds, along with just being a friendly approachable face on the bar scene for anyone wanting a chat. Find out more about Angels of Freedom here.