
Explore the ‘Wild Waters’ at Otley Wildlife Arts Festival

Dr Amy - Jane Beer: Wild Water, Wild Service
Dr Amy - Jane Beer: Wild Water, Wild Service / 7 Oct 2023 / Otley Courthouse

Dr Amy-Jane Beer comes to Otley, Saturday 7th October at 7.30pm as part of the Wildlife Arts Festival.  

Her book, ‘The Flow: Rivers, Water and Wildness” has won this year’s Wainwright prize for nature writing. A journey from a source of grief, exploring and reaching to nature,  Amy Jane - Beer shares her knowledge and insight gained of waterways, and gives connection, feeling, and a sense of recovery. A way through.  It is a truly remarkable read. One of Otley’s book clubs chose Amy's "The Flow:..." as their September read, and for many it as one of the best books of the year. "Amy takes you on a journey of discovery and has such an elegant and warm way of exploring so many themes connected to water and waterways. Her writing, whilst having an underbelly of activism, still manages to give you a watery hug!" 

Amy will be at Otley Courthouse with her talk, Wild Water, Wild Service speaking about a range of themes including our rivers, wildlife and the right to roam.  As a Yorkshire resident and president of Friends of the Dales, she will be taking a local view as well as considering broader issues.  Naturalist, author, columnist and honorary president of the Dales the talk draws on her natural history insights and looks at how we heal wounds ecologically and relationally with non-human nature. And by doing so a mutual restoration. Tickets only £10 at the Courthouse. Book your place here.

Amy-Jane Beer with Wildlife Friendly Otley Trustees Claire Colman and Helen Hey at the Restore Nature Now Rally in York, 28th September 2023.
Amy-Jane Beer with Wildlife Friendly Otley Trustees Claire Colman and Helen Hey at the Restore Nature Now Rally in York, 28th September 2023.

Otley Wildlife Arts Festival is organised by Wildlife Friendly Otley, a local charity working to protect and help our local wildlife. The successful festival is now in its third year and runs from 6th -8th October. It is a celebration of wildlife in arts, music, poetry, talks, ideas, books, exhibits, film and photography. More information on all events can be found here. Some events are bookable. Many you can turn up to on the day. 

A music and story performance will open the festival, These Hills Are Ours  Written and performed by Daniel Bye and Boff Whalley and directed by Katharine Williams, These Hills Are Ours is about escaping it all by running to wild places. Finally, if you want to know more about the most successful group of animals to have ever lived in our planet come along to our closing talk of the festival,  Dr  George McGavin with an extraordinary presentation What Have Insects Ever Done For Us. Booking at Otley Courthouse.

See our event collection on Leeds Inspired here.

We look forward to welcoming you very soon!

Sponsors: Otley Town Council and Sinclairs of Otley