
Designers Of The Future: Opportunity For Young People

Written by
Lord Whitney

Are you, or do you know a young person looking to develop a creative career?

Designers of the Future

[Designers of the Future] is a new free part-time 5-week creative course by @LordWhitney. It aims to support young people aged 18-24 who are not in employment or education wanting to kickstart a creative career. Lord Whitney believes that there is no “standard route” into the creative industries but with curiosity, inventiveness, and resilience, anyone can pursue working in a creative role. The course will provide practical designing and making experience, as well as share industry knowledge and help instil the interpersonal skills needed to develop in the creative industries.

Lord Whitney are an artist-led company producing their own work, they also collaborate with brands, businesses and other creatives on immersive projects that entice and intrigue audiences. 

For more details including course dates and the application form pop over to Lord Whitney's website.

Application deadline is 10am Monday 12th July